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레퍼런스로 참고하는 웹/도서 목록입니다.
Richard Feynman says:
I really can’t do a good job, any job, of explaining magnetic force in terms of something else you’re more familiar with, because I don’t understand it in terms of anything else you’re more familiar with.
Hi, my name is David S. Kim.
I love learning and expanding my knowledge to the new boundaries. And I believe that if I can't explain something what I know, I don't understand it completely. In order to increasing my deeper understaning of the subject matter, I would like to share to others what I learned and what I achieved through my portfolio blog.
If you have any comment or suggestion to my posting, I welcome yours.
Thank you so much.
레퍼런스로 참고하는 웹/도서 목록입니다.
Jupyter Notebook을 사용하면서 유용하고 많이 사용하실 만한 Variable Inspector나 ‘Table of Contents’같은 확장 프로그램들에 대하여 소개하고자 합니다.
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