Markdown Cheatsheets

마크다운 사용을 위한 간단한 cheatsheet입니다.

Markdown Cheatsheet

This is intended as a quick reference and showcase for Markdown. For more cheatsheet, check Adam-P Markdown Cheatsheet


escape key: changes to command mode
escape then s: shortcut for “save”
escape then y: switch to code cell
escape then m: switch to Markdown cell
Shift + Enter: run code cells


Put 1-6 hash marks(#) at the beginning of the line

# Header 1 
## Header 2 
### Header 3

renders as header


  • For bold, wrap the text in two asterisks or underscores (**bold** or __bold__) renders as bold
  • For italics, wrap the text in one asterisk or underscore (*italic* or _italic_) renders as italic
  • For strikethrough, wrap the text in two tildes (~~strikethrough~~) renders as strikethrough

Code and Syntax Highlighting

  1. code
    • start a new line and wrap the text in three backticks.
    • indent each line of the code block with four spaces.
  2. Syntax Highlighting
     `sysntax highlighting` 

    renders as sysntax highlighting

Math expressions

Create math expressions in Markdown cells using LaTeX symbols.

$y = mx + b$ renders as $y = mx + b$

Add images

![Alt Text](Url)

My profile


<font color=blue|red|green|pink|yellow>Text</font> 

Not all markdown code works within a font tag, so review your colored text carefully!

Indented quoting

Use a greater than sign (>) and then a space, then type the text. The text is indented and has a gray horizontal line to the left of it until the next carriage return.


Use the dash sign (- ) with a space after it, or a space, a dash, and a space ( - ), to create a circular bullet. To create a sub bullet, use a tab followed a dash and a space. You can also use an asterisk instead of a dash, and it works the same.

To link to a section, use this code:

[section title](#section-title)

For the text in the parentheses, replace spaces and special characters with a hyphen. Make sure to test all the links! Alternatively, you can add an ID for a section right above the section title. Use this code:

<a id="section_ID"></a> 

Make sure that the section_ID is unique within the notebook. Use this code for the link and make sure to test all the links!

[section title](#section_ID)

Use this code and test all links!

[link text](http://url)

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